
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 關(guān)于我們
  臺(tái)州屹捷數(shù)控機(jī)床股份有限公司坐落于浙江省玉環(huán)市,公司成立至今,一直致力于雙頭數(shù)控機(jī)床的研發(fā)與制造。“穩(wěn)定可靠,快捷高效”的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量定位,受到更多顧客的肯定與信賴(lài)。隨著公司持續(xù)發(fā)展,現(xiàn)已形成“屹捷”牌雙頭數(shù)控機(jī)床、數(shù)控對(duì)列雙主軸數(shù)控機(jī)床等系列產(chǎn)品。為實(shí)現(xiàn)“中驅(qū)技術(shù)--為顧客增值” 這- -經(jīng)營(yíng)理念 ,公司先后與大中院校.工程院士等建立長(zhǎng)期合作關(guān)系。截止目前已成功獲得多項(xiàng)發(fā)明專(zhuān)力。特別在軸類(lèi)零件的加工中效率倍增。
  Taizhou Yiile CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd. is located in Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to developmentand manufacture of double-headed CNC Lathe machine.
  The product quality positioning of“stable, reliable, fast and eficient" has been recognized and trusted by more customers. With the continuous development of ourcompany, it has formed a series of products such as
  double-headed/two turret CNC lathe and CNC Double- -spindle CNC lathe machine with "Yije"brand.In order to realize the business philosophy of "Mid-drive Technology- -adding value to customers", the company has estalished long-term cooperative relation-ships with universities and colleges and engineering academicians. Up to now, it has successully achieved for a number of invention patents. Especially in the pro-cessing of shaft parts,the fficiency is doubled.
  With 20 years development, Yiile people always persistence, effort, innovation and transcendence working belief; Provide customers with high-quality products andprofessional services for the purpose, has become the domestic first - class double- head CNC machine tool R & D and manufacturing Business.
  Warmly welcome our new and old customers come to us to negotiate cooperation and make billiant wisdom!



© 2019 - 臺(tái)州屹捷數(shù)控機(jī)床股份有限公司 備案號(hào):浙ICP備11061376號(hào)-4 GoogleSitemap 技術(shù)支持:機(jī)床商務(wù)網(wǎng) 管理登陸





周一至周五 工作日時(shí)間


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